Egypt on Wiping off Israel

My guess is that the Egyptian regime is learning its lessons at this point in history…no more following to Syria’s wishes and agenda.
In normal cases, Egypt would have remained silent following the pursuit of many Arab neighbors. I am glad that finally we can talk international diplomatic language that rise to our peace agreement with Israel that we should honor. Photo by AFP.
Kuwait dissapeared once in the 90's.
I didn't hear or read his comments, but did he actually condemn what the president of Iran said, or did he just utter some useless try-to-please-everyone remarks?
Egyptian Person,
This is the story:
The person responsible for about to make Kuwait almost disappear is on trial now, jailed, and might get a death sentence
Hey scorekeeper,
Thanks for visiting. Thanks also for checking my blog regularly. I am flattered.
The Jewish patriarch Joseph (son of Jacob) from the OLD TESTAMENT is said to have saved all of Egypt from a huge famine. I believe Egypt owes the Jewish state their support in these trying times. Or is this wishful thinking?
jonas976 ,
well, you know, those kind of things are tricky. I mean Joseph, is Youssef in Islam, and we kind of like consider him as a prophet for Islam as well. So you know steer away of the wise-ass remarks...U r not going nowhere was those kind of remarks.
I'd respect you if you oppose the Iranian Prez remarkrs on the basis of respect to human life, whether jewish, muslim or whatever. I think that's something we can all agree on.
..and Jews have stolen Egyptian womens accessories on their way out.
Dear miss Freedom, our peace treaty with Isreal doesn't mean that we have to condemn others for their stands from Isreal. A peace treaty is merely that, a terminatiuon of war. It doesn't make firends.
We should be working on making sure that in the long run Israel clearing its place on the map :)
I don't think any arab country should seek getting rid of Israel.
It resulted in wars, crimes and ultimatly was an utter failure. And it's simply inhuman.
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