Friday, January 20, 2006

Guardian Unlimited on Sex and Islam

Guardian Unlimited's Brian Whitaker writes about Islamic scholars recent Fatwas (religious opinions) on nudity in marriage. Islamic clerics are hotly debating exactly what sexual practices are acceptable. The topic that occupied space in the Egyptian press, now is attracting foreign press for debate!


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very revealing article, but I would stress that bedroom matters are strictly private are not for disgression to any sheikh who wants to poke his nosy nose.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Freedom For Egyptians said...

Yes only on the western world. In the Middle East, Sheikhs insist on being with Muslims even on the bathrooms to ensure that you are close to God at any moment.

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All religions have prescriptions and rules regarding sex - not just Islam.
Catholicism does, Orthodoxy does, Bhuddism does, Hinduism does..even Judaism does.
Judaism's sexual rules are very complex and elaborate - see 'Kosher Sex' by Rabbi Shmuley Moteach.

If the assumption is that Islam is particularly invasive because it says something on how to conduct sexual relations - then this is a fallacious assumption because many other religions do the exact same thing.

If the article is suggesting that it's a particularly 'Islamic thing' to prescribe rules on sex without referring to what other religions similarly do - then the article could be seen as being misleading or not wholly informative or not well informed - which begs the question - why single out Islam amongst the world's religions?

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Freedom For Egyptians said...

Last anon,

Apparently you did you read the article because it refers to christianty at one point.

If you do not like the fact that an article talks about sex and Islam, then excuse me, we are at the age of freedom of expression if you did hear about that.

If you are annoyed that the article is talking about Islam or if you believe that it is attacking it, accordingly so you took this defensive attitude, then let me tell you that you need to read the article because the whole argument or reporting was instigated by Arabic-speaking media. This article is bringing the argument to different audience that's all.

At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Freedom for Egyptians,

I did read the article and I am very aware what age humanity is living - but thanks for asking.

Perhaps my reaction to the article might seem to be defensive, but I live in the West and so I am very aware and weary of the negative diatribe that surfaces in the regional media from time to time - about Islam and Muslims.
A new term has been coined to describe works that are averse to Islam and Muslims - Islamophobia - which I'm sure you're aware of.

There's a fine line between having the freedom to express oneself and being Islamophobic - just as there is a finer line when it comes to being Anti-Semitic - as set out by the Anti-Defamation League.

All that I was suggesting was that it would have been more interesting and informative, as well as balanced if the author dwelt a bit longer on the Papal edicts regarding sex, as well as highlighting the contemporary Papal consensus on sex issues. If he similary addressed sex in Judaism, Hinduism and Bhuddism that would have been great. Personally I find the topic of religion and sex to be fascinating.

Channel 4 in the UK made a documentary on this topic which was comparative - it examined various Christian denominations, Hinduism, Islam, Bhuddism and Judaism.
It left viewers very well informed.

I believe that the author could have done a much better job in this regard and I maintain that the article as is, is in my view misleading, unrepresentative and mis-informed.

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Freedom For Egyptians said...


I am not the writer to know why he did not write about "Papal edicts regarding sex, as well as highlighting the contemporary Papal consensus on sex issues. If he similary addressed sex in Judaism, Hinduism and Bhuddism..".

But I believe he simply was writing about an argument that already took place in the Arabic press, so he is only reporting.

If you think he should have tackled it from a different perspective, I think you have the right to express your wish as he has the right to express himself the way he wants. You may send him an email and let him know about your expectations. He has his email at the end of the article.

But I guess now I understand what you meant. It is like seeing a movie and after the movie you would say ah I wished the director have done so and so...which is totally acceptable ...

At 2:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Freedom for Egyptians,


It is my firm belief that journalists have a responsibility towards the general readership - to quell their personal prejudices, difficult as that may be - in favour of *informing* them, when it comes to reporting on certain issues - especially when reporting on religions and their adherents, especially when there is a general feeling of aversion towards a religion and its adherents.


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