Thursday, February 09, 2006

Danish Cartoons are not the End As Long As Undemocratic Governments Are in Power

Posting my story about the Danish cartoons that were re-printed in Egypt on October 17, 2005 by Al Fagr newspaper, I came to a very important understanding that there are millions around the world who want to listen, talk and learn about the truth. In a troubled region like the Middle East where many values including truth is on the verge of decay, I find it incumbent upon me to be a voice even if faint. I am using my blog, as an Egyptian citizen or woman who lived her entire life in Egypt, to speak if not to shout loud to draw the attention to a country and people in crisis. I am ready to talk and let others learn about my country, region and politics. I am fed up with the government media that rule and manipulate our lives until further notice. This media talk on behalf of all Egyptians all the time, giving no chance for anyone to express himself/herself unless they belong to their stream, in the case of Egypt either regime or Muslim Brotherhood figures. But media outlets are like everything in Egypt, no true democractic representation. I am calling for the freedom that can transform me into a full-fledged citizen not a humiliated guest in a country that I grew up to believe it is mine. Thanks to technology revolution and indeed it is a revolution in the true sense of the word. I was capable of connecting my frustration for the lack of freedom in my country to thousands around the globe through my little tiny blog.

Learning that the Danish Ambassador confirmed the re-publication of the Danish cartoons in the Egyptian paper Al Fagr in the news made me believe that we can beat oppression and tyranny by speaking the truth and the world is ready to listen.

The magnitude of destruction of anti-Danish protests and boycott is just a small bite in comparison to the amount of destruction those undemocratic governments are causing to our lives in Egypt and everywhere in the world. They play their people very well. In a country like Egypt, where illiteracy percentage reaches around 40%, it is very easy to play the people who do not know whether Denmark is a country or a company.

The cartoon rampage is but a long living technique that dictators use to absent their peoples from standing on the critical issues that determine the course of their lives. However, this time those undemocratic governments used the cartoons to intimidate the western world; due to the continuous pressures to apply reform polices and bring democracy and freedom into the Middle East. I accuse all government newspapers of trying to incite hatred and riot in Egypt. There is no doubt that the cartoons were of a very bad taste. But in a country like Egypt where press institutions get orders from the State Security, I do not expect Egyptians to understand that any paper in Europe can publish anything. Europeans take pride in their freedom of expression, something peoples under totalitarian regimes have never experienced. I am proud that the Egyptian Al Fagr published the cartoons and Egyptians did not react at the time they were published. I find publishing them normal and I find that not reacting is also normal because our faith is hung on a bunch of cartoons. I am proud to see an Egyptian paper expressing itself freely that was able to publish the cartoons. I am sure that Alfagr sales will increase tremendously however I am not surprised because it is run by a veteran Egyptian Journalist, Adel Hammouda.
I am also so frustrated at the government media that want to sell the idea that the Egyptian opposition is only the Muslim Brotherhood who are known for their long term deals with the regime. The Egyptian regime is trying to convince the whole world that it is either the regime stays in power or the Muslim Brotherhood will take over. I want to say that there is a big majority of silent liberals that are looking for a hand to extend support.

My friends all over the world, I want to thank you all for your supportive messages and also fellow bloggers forums and media everywhere that linked to my story on the cartoons. And because they were too many, I lost count, but they know themselves. I can tell you now that I see the light at the end of the tunnel for a free democratic Egypt because of you and your believe in truth! There were so many nice complimentary emails that I received expressing that they like my picture. My picture was taken in Aswan, Upper Egypt last November:)


At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is just great. Investigative, intelligent, informative. The political hardlined islamits try to convince us in Europe, that there is no Islam, only Islamism.
But they're liars. And they're nothing but that.
But truth, human dignity and love in peace are stronger than all hatred, fear and lies.
United we stand
Heidelbaer (Germany)

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Lazarus said...

well done FFE. seriously, this is a job well done. i wish you all the luck in the future.

- a fellow oppressed middle eastern,

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written! I sincerely hope your moderate voice will be heard throughout the Middle East.

Bravo!!! (Spain)

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

FFE, great work in exposing the hypocrisy of the Islamists. I've linked to you in my blog today and commented extensively.

I'll link to you in my blogroll soon, right above Sandmonkey.

Jeffery Hodges

* * *

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Indigo Red said...

Thank you so much for remembering the images from many months ago. This was excellent work. Their can never be too many people setting the record right.

I have linked to your post on my site to help get this story out.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you in large part...the cartoons are not the problem...they are a symptom of the underlying problem. The problem is that both sides are spoiling for a fight.


At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madame, arrêtez avec votre hypocrisie !!! Vous relatez l'information, c'est-à-dire ‘ la publication par un journal égyptien des fameux caricatures’,mais vous dites pas que ils ont été publiés pour un seul but : les condamnées .
Secundo; vous dites pourquoi ne pas boycotter les produits égyptien ? encore une fois vous tombez dans la desinformation; puisque le problème n'est de publier ou pas, mais l'origine des faits,les motifs qui ont poussez le journal danois a publier ces caricatures.(provocation gratuite,islamophobie…)

Bref tout ça, montre que vous avez une mauvaise foi.

At 3:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monsieur Karim:
Wenn du französisch schreibst, schreibe ich deutsch. :-P

Die Islamisten behaupten doch, dass allein der Anblick der Karikaturen eine so unerträgliche Beleidigung sei, dass damit jeder Aufruhr und Protest gerechtfertigt sei. Ganz unabängig von der Absicht.

Außerdem gilt: die (vermeintlich) böse Absicht war also 50.000 Ägyptern bekannt, ohne dass sie gegen Dänemark auf die Straße gingen. Warum?

Weil ihnen ganz offensichtlich jemand anderes als eine liberale Zeitung erst mal erklären musste, dass sie gefälligst ganz furchtbar beleidigt wurden.

Das macht die Behauptung, man hätte es bei den Demonstrationen mit einem spontanen Ausbruch gerechten Volkszorns zu tun, zur Farce.

Heidelbaer (Germany)

Summary in english: M. Karim: Nevertheless, the Egyptians knew about the caricatures arleady months ago. So it is evident, that the violent riots are everything but a spontanous uprise of anger. It is the work of incitement and propaganda. Thats prooved, thanks FFE and other bloggers.
Thank you!

At 3:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Muslim leadership the world over has historically been the most cynical manipulator of Islam - and this is especially true of ..........," says one analyst.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the Swedish cartoon that got banned today. Apparently the Swedish government had a website shut down, because they were going to publish the following drawing:

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your safe young lady!

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos for your courage, keep up the good work! We must not cave in to extremists and islamo-imperialists.

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Myra Langerhas said...

Outstanding work FfE. This is something the MSM should have picked up a long time ago but were probably too busy with Grammy and Super Bowl coverage. It is all a contrived controversy to foment hatred in the West.


At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sincerely admire your work in exposing hypocrisy. I hope you will have the opportunity to work for the changes in your society that you aim for.

I wish you the best and I will keep coming back.

a danish person

At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could a swedish person please tell about the debate in Sweden after closing the right wing web-site? What is the government saying and what are the opponents saying?

There must be more to it, than just fear of lunatics.

At 9:01 PM, Blogger LD said...

do you post at hannity?

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Freedom For Egyptians said...

No I do not post at Hannity, but I found his site as one of the referral sites. I discovered that someone put my link there on the cartoons!


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