I came across
this site that depicts the images/cartoons of Prophet Muhammed through out the history. To my surprise, there are so many images for our prophet. I urge those who are protesting against Denmark and Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, to burn the history and heritage books.... Time to show more hypocrisy and pretence.
This is unbelievable archive for the images of Prophet Muhammed. And, I am sure there are many others that we are not aware of.
Photo: Persian or central Asian illustration showing Mohammed (on the right) preaching.
I'm glad you posted the link to the site about the pictures of the Prophet. I'm also hearing more about the additional 3 cartoons distributed by the Danish Imams. I just found your blog today, but will continue to keep following it. Thanks
The page holds a growing account of pics that would be offensive to muslims. You might consider severing the link before they sever your head. Or someone decides to use the material in order to start armageddon.
I second the offensiveness of the linked to pictures, however serving some ones head does not fal under the concept of freedom of expression. Linking to those pictures explicitly falls within the mentioned concept. If starting a kind of Armageddon qualifies...possibly. But in order to wage a war there must be an enemy first.
Good idea.
I had the idea of scanning and posting some of the many pictures of Mohammad and Ali and other figures we have in art books at home. maybe later.
However, the mean offensiveness from the subject cartoons were not that they merely represnt Mohammad, something mainstream Islam forbids, but the fact that they were mocking.
> However, the mean offensiveness from the subject cartoons were not that they merely represnt Mohammad, something mainstream Islam forbids, but the fact that they were mocking.
Ah, but who is being mocked? The prophet or the believers?
This is "Life of Brian" all over again.
The most aggressive are usually also those most ignorant. Thanks for your voice of reason.
UPDATE: And now the leaders of this so called "peaceful religion" have called for the murder of the cartoonist. Could you imagine the Pope or Dali Lama doing such a thing? Not since the Nazis has the world been so in danger of loosing it's humanity. Something is wrong in the state of Islam.
We wake up this morning to see video on CNN showing rampaging Muslims around the world. In Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific Rim ... Muslim Mobs spreading mayhem. It seems that these mighty mad Muslims are rioting and firing their ever-present AK-47s into the air because of cartoons. Yup ... this latest epidemic of Muslim outrage comes to us because some newspapers in Norway and Denmark published some cartoons depicting Mohammed. In fact ... here is one of my favorites!
Admit it, this turban/bomb thing IS ACCURATE.
Muslim outrage huh. OK ... let's do a little historical review. Just some lowlights:
Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No Muslim outrage.
Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt. No Muslim outrage.
A Muslim attacks a missionary children's school in India. Kills six. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia. Muslims shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage.
Let's go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims massacre dozens of innocents at a Passover Seder. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder more than 50 commuters in attacks on London subways and busses. Over 700 are injured. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali. No Muslim outrage.
Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons. No Muslim outrage
Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims beat the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hang them from a bridge. No Muslim outrage.
Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslims are outraged.
Dead children. Dead tourists. Dead teachers. Dead doctors and nurses. Death, destruction and mayhem around the world at the hands of Muslims .. no Muslim outrage ... but publish a cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban and all hell breaks loose.
Come on, is this really about cartoons? They're rampaging and burning flags. They're looking for Europeans to kidnap. They're threatening innkeepers and generally raising holy Muslim hell not because of any outrage over a cartoon. They're outraged because it is part of the Islamic jihad's culture to be outraged. You don't really need a reason. You just need an excuse. Wandering around, destroying property, murdering children, firing guns into the air and feigning outrage over the slightest perceived insult is to a jihadist what tailgating is to a Steeler's fan.
I know and understand that these bloodthirsty murderers do not represent the majority of the world's Muslims. When, though, do they become outraged? When do they take to the streets to express their outrage at the radicals who are making their religion the object of worldwide hatred and ridicule? Islamic writer Salman Rushdie wrote of these silent Muslims in a New York Times article three years ago. "As their ancient, deeply civilized culture of love, art and philosophical reflection is hijacked by paranoiacs, racists, liars, male supremacists, tyrants, fanatics and violence junkies, why are they not screaming?"
Indeed. Why not?
UPDATE: And now the leaders of this so called "peaceful religion" have called for the murder of the cartoonist. Could you imagine the Pope or Dali Lama doing such a thing? Not since the Nazis has the world been so in danger of loosing it's humanity. Something is wrong in the state of Islam.
The only problem with the cartoon is that he left out the horns
I think the cartoon sucked is wasn't even funny or meaningful, the funny thing is that it gave worldwide attention to this newspaper. AS Muslims of a civilized world we must see that there are more serious things to take offensive by. Instead of some cartoon character that is poor and inaccurate, Intelliegnce is the Key and Beholding True Faith always and always will prevail. Simply put Would Muhammad DO?
I think they are not funny at all and also the person who did so doesnt have any kind of religion and doesnt care about his behavior towards other religions or people's feelings towards their religious beliefs... just keep on doing so but God wont leave u having fun of any of his PROPHETS..
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