Freedom for Egyptians
Universal Declaration of Human Rights-Article 1.
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights-Article 1.
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
I checked to see if you were back today
Good Question.
Go, my poems go, go to Egypt and salute the clenched barren fists gleaming in the air for their freedom.
My heartfelt congratulations to Egypt. Go now, fly your wings.. you are free!! :P
God Blessed Egypt today! Take your Freedom and don't let evil groups fool you to take control.Freedom is a feeling that has no words. God Bless you all!
Thank you my friends. It will be an under estimation to try to describe this moment!
And YES the ANSWER is:
I am an American and am so proud of the youth of Egypt for undertaking the quest that all Egyptians have longed for for over three decades. Truly amazing...congratulations to you all and my sincerest wishes for a smooth transition into democracy which has always been by the "people" and for the "people"!
I'm glad to see you are still there. I hope it is as you wish it but I am pessimistic. I have seen nothing coherent from the crowds and while I can see that it is a popular movement I see nothing in this movement that is necessarily democratic.
I hope I am wrong but I see the MB in Egypt's future and they will be worse than Mubarak.
Hello Col. B. Bunny, Long time I know. I m glad you are still in the blogshpere despite these years.
What is happening in Egypt now is played by the day. Quite unpredictable, but let's cross our fingers and stay optimistic...
Hello to you, too. I hope we will be seeing more posts from FFE now!
I am happy for the Egyptians!!! May I know... especially from Egyptians: what really is FREEDOM for you? What is the local (Egyptian) term for freedom and what does it mean in your local Egyptian setting?
Horreyia = Freedom
Thank you for the answer. May i ask again, does "horreyia" also mean "freedom" as understood universally? Is it normally used in the "political" sense, i.e. political freedom... freedom to choose a leader? Or can it be used in "religious" sense too? More so, generally as in freedom of speech, freedom to do whatever is desired?
Once again, THANK YOU for your answer.
Can you believe it? :) Welcome back!
@ROB, yes it matches all uses.
@ Alb Sayed, Can you believe it, after all this time? So happy you are still at the blogosphere! Thanks for dropping a message.
I wish you would have answered with your real name so that I could answer you dear "ANONYMOUS"! I do not answer anonymous people who do sign names full of hatrd.
I'll be glad if you resume blogging!
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