The American media outlets have been covering the death of the popular playboy model Anna Nicole Smith for weeks now. The diva gave birth to her new baby girl late last year and died all of a sudden in an hotel early this month at the age of 39. It was a shock to most of the people given her fame, popularity and young age. It was said that she could not take her teenager son’s death who died when she was in the hospital giving birth to her baby girl.
As most of you know how media in the U.S. is so focused on America, Smith became the story number one on most of TV cable news channels, especially after the row on where she should be buried. The judge few days ago ruled that she will be buried next to her son in Bahamas. Smith is an example to the American life in the sense that she is that ordinary girl who grew up in this tiny village in Texas who made it to the world of fame in Hollywood and everywhere in the U.S.
To be honest, I had no interest at all to follow hours and hours covering her death and the burial lawsuit in court. But one thing drew my attention through out all American media coverage to the story. This woman was into the playboy world of fame, however there was no one single story judging her based on morality, religion or ethics.
The upcoming row in court after resolving the burial issue is the daughter parentage. There are three men who are claiming to be the daughter’s father. This means that the three men slept with her during a very short period of time that the three of them are now fighting over the daughter. However, no one in the United States is judging Smith or trying to deviate into personal talk about her private life. Everyone is respecting the fact that the case is in court and no one is giving extra interpretation to the incident on how dare she to sleep with three men and cause all this confusion. Literally everyone is minding his own business.
I am imagining if Smith was in the Egyptian media, oh my God, the press would have literally slaughtered her and her family. The press would have kept coming up with stories since her 7th grandfather who was also running a prostitution network. The society would have ruined the future of her daughter forever and never giving her a chance to live normally. Everyone will have the right to talk about her private life, judging her based on moral and religious issues. Morality will be the judge. Religion will be the sword.
The family will disown her forever. Probably all her family members would have cut their relationship with her since she started modeling for playboy. The word "playboy" does not exist in the dictionary of Egyptian families to begin with. If she has sisters, they will never get married because their sister disgraced the family forever.
Males in the family would have died to sleep with her, but never letting their women mingle with her, fearing that she will corrupt them with her shameless acts.
If Smith’s daughter was in Egypt, let me tell you that she will have to spend her entire life to prove that she has a father in the first place. Whoever this father is, he will continue to deny her because she “ben haram”, a daughter who came out of a wedlock. Currently in the American courts, there are three men fighting over the daughter. He will have to be one of them anyway. If the daughter was in Egypt, she will be stigmatized forever by the fact that her mom slept with a man and conceived her outside wedlock. The daughter will be denied the social recognition forever and will be treated as an outcast.
If she were in Egypt, Anna Nicole Smith will never be treated as a playboy model. People like her in Egypt are defined as whores or part of a prostitution networks who have police records and are subject to arrest and humiliation at anytime.